Help us feed a donkey




Help us feed a donkey

Even a small donation of 5€ will make a difference and help us feed a donkey for a day!

the donkeys

Support a long-eared friend

Your donation directly supports the donkeys daily needs, ensuring they receive fresh hay, vegetables, clean water, and safe shelter. Just $5 helps keep our donkeys happy, healthy, and well-fed, bringing joy and calm to visitors.

We also gladly accept donations in person—whether it's fresh vegetables, hay, or a small monetary gift. Every donation helps, and you're welcome to say hello to our donkeys when you visit!

Give and get more?

As a patron, you support a donkey's advanced care, including vet visits and hoof care, and get to visit them up to three times a month.

Your donation matters


Our donkeys need more than food. They require regular health checks, hoof care, and spacious, safe areas to roam and relax. With your donation for food, you're helping us to focus on these other important things to provide them with the quality care they deserve. Together, we can give these gentle animals a fulfilling life in the natural sanctuary they call home. We would need 30 donations every month for a donkey every month to fully cover our expenses. Come help us on that mission!!

How often do you want to donate?

Of course you can cancel anytime! We give refunds if you notice us within a week!

How much do you want to give?



Your Email

Your Name (optional)

Message (optional)

In the name of the donkeys we say thank you so much!!

What your donation gives to a donkey*

a donkey has simple but vital needs. Every day, a donkey relies on Of course there's much more that goes into the care of a donkey, but your help with feeding a donkey will help us with the costs immensely. If you're around, we also love to accept donations of any kind in person (vegetables, hay or money).


A steady supply of fresh hay for nourishment and energy.


Plenty of clean, fresh water for hydration.


Nutritious vegetables for a balanced diet.

*and a lot of LOVE. But that's available in abundance.